<?php echo 'if y use these tags'; ?>
여러 방법이 있지만 가장 정석적인 방법
echo "Hello world";
echo "Last statement";
HTML 없이 PHP만 사용하게될경우 php tag 닫는 부분을 생략해주는것이 좋다
HTML 사이에 넣기
<p>This is going to be ignored by PHP and displayed by the browser.</p>
<?php echo 'While this is going to be parsed.'; ?>
<p>This will also be ignored by PHP and displayed by the browser.</p>
HTML 태그사이에 PHP코드를 삽입하여 HTML 내용을 변경시킬수 있다.
<?php if ($expression == true): ?>
This will show if the expression is true.
<?php else: ?>
Otherwise this will show.
<?php endif; ?>
IF문 적용
<?php for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i): ?>
Hello, there!
<?php endfor; ?>
echo 'This is a test'; // This is a one-line c++ style comment
/* This is a multi line comment
yet another line of comment */
echo 'This is yet another test';
echo 'One Final Test'; # This is a one-line shell-style comment
다양한 주석처리 방법이 있다
<h1>This is an <?php # echo 'simple';?> example</h1>
<p>The header above will say 'This is an example'.</p>
#과 //은 ?>는 주석대상에서 제외한다
// Sub-Category Smaller Font
/* Title Here Notice the First Letters are Capitalized */
# Option 1
# Option 2
# Option 3
* This is a detailed explanation
* of something that should require
* several paragraphs of information.
// This is a single line quote.
공식가이드에서 제시하는 주석처리안이다